To browse Academia. It is my great pleasure to present you February issue of Critical Space with different research topics which make the journal more contemporary and relevant to read. I also express my sincere thanks to all those who contributed their valuable research papers and trust us as an authentic publishing forum. As the articles contained in the issue can be categorized under the disciplines like Cultural Studies, Mythology, Subaltern Studies, Sociology, Politics, Diaspora Studies, and Linguistics make it interdisciplinary. Advocacy of patriarchal mode of social power, Hindu Epics and Puranas Top Selda Escort Tweet Ankara women as a weaker sex that can be used only for the physical pleasure. As a result of that most of the women characters depicted in these mythological discourses are secondary and passive. In the modern period, the intelligentsia starts thinking about this duality of truth and in response it creates parallel discourse that gives exposure to these suppressed voices. The textual references and convincing analysis make the paper more interesting to contemplate. The similar kind of deconstructive line of logic can be seen in the research article of Dr. In the article Dr. Rane illustrates the process of identity creation and how the different channels were set for the socialization of man and women according to sex. The research scholar has minutely and meticulously observed the graphic novel and presented her scholarly analysis. It is a good attempt to combine the technical aspects with the socio-cultural conventions of language in the actual teaching practice in SL context. Therefore, it is a good contribution towards the most debated issue of language teaching in SL situation. In the language component of the present issue we have another interesting article by Dr. The article analyses the actual hybrid linguistic expressions that has surpassed from the category of Creole and designated itself as a language of the world. The article gives review of all these changes and very interestingly comments on the sociocultural processes. In contemporary period there are several literary expressions that depict the situation of Honour Killing and therefore it becomes necessary to understand it in its socio-cultural context which is adequately provided by Dr. NRI Registration No. Jadhav and Dr. The analysis of the poem is also a good demonstration of how to analyse the poem in its contextual frame for the new researchers and students. The analysis of the poem is interesting as it takes into consideration the broken images which in fact create oversized image of disillusionment and despair of the contemporary period. The Diasporic critical context is dynamic as it is inseparably relies on the socio-political realities of the age. The Critical Space has published several research articles in this direction in order contribute in this never ending discussion. Abhishek Chandel also deals with the term but his point of view is not from Top Selda Escort Tweet Ankara region of literature but is from the other branches of Humanities like Sociology and Political Science. The article underlines the recurring need Top Selda Escort Tweet Ankara interdisciplinary studies in order to understand the complex realties of the age. The textual examples and the analysis in the light of the Psychological theories make the article more interesting. The observation and the analysis are helpful to understand the movie with all its possible dimensions. Uday P. The age of globalization has witnessed huge social migration, for different reasons, that has created different issues related to the identity. But the issue analysed in the research article is important to understand the contemporary phenomena which is reflected in the literature. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Related papers Scanning the Issue Shiban Koul. Authors of This Issue Chokri Hamouda. Preface and Acknowledgements Jochen Althoff. Article No. Subject index of volume 45 Elisabeth Mathus-vliegen. Case Report francisco escobar. Robert Goodfellow.
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