CoordinatorÖz M. ResearcherContinuing. Erasmus Ka2 Project. Tübitak Fast Support Project, Scientific research project supported by Higher Education Institutions. CoordinatorÖZ M. ResearcherTamer S. ExecutiveCeren A. ExecutiveYalçın A. ExecutiveŞener F. Tubitak Completed. U BAP Completed in Osman Aynacı, Prof. Süleyman Caner Karahan, Res. İbrahim Pekşen, Dr. Lecturer Serap Özer Yaman, Res. Kübra Live, Assoc. Examining the evaluation results of patients with scleroderma. Project no: S Project Completion Date: The effect of blood flow restricted plyometric training on muscle strength and function after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Executive, Comparison of the effects of functional mobile balance system fmbs and balance board training on balance and functional level in healthy individuals, THDRapid Support Project, Hacettepe University, BAP, Executive, Investigation of lower extremity biomechanics after knee ligament injury. Games for Health Journal. Is cervical region tightness related to vagal function and stomach symptoms?. Medical Hypotheses, The fremantle neck awareness questionnaire in chronic neck pain patients: Turkish version, validity and reliability study. Spine, 45 3EE Stabilization exercise versus yoga exercise in non-specific low back pain: Pain, disability, quality of life, performance: a randomized controlled trial. Complementary Ther Clin Pract, 35, Effects of arm swing on spatiotemporal characteristics of gait in unilateral transhumeral amputees. Rasch analysis of the Neck Bournemouth Questionnaire: Turkish version, validity, and reliability study. Turkish journal of medical sciences, 49 6 A systematic literature review of physiotherapy and rehabilitation approaches to lower-limb amputation. Physiotherapy theory and practice, 34 11 P —Investigating the effects of sacroiliac joint dysfunction on gait in individuals with lumbar herniation nucleus pulposus. P Seyhan Soylu Seks Izel stability in patient with lumbar herniation nucleus pulposus. The effect of manual therapy and exercise in patients with Seyhan Soylu Seks Izel low back pain: double blind randomized controlled trial. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 30 6 ,
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department Research Laboratory
Hakan GÜRKAN - UNIS | Trakya Üniversitesi Akademik Veri Yönetim Sistemi birçok kritere göre girilen verilerin Text/Grafiksel raporlaması yapılabilir. seyhan-belediye-baskani-oya-tekin-in-dem-partisi-ziyaretinde-duvarda-abdullah-ocalan-nin-posternin-yer-aldigi-iddiasi-dogru-muT Aylık/Yıllık vb. Bu sayede oluşan zaman kayıpları önlenir, iş gücünü azaltır. Data Center of Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit UniversityInternational Urogynecology Journal, 26 12 , Yarman -. Ufuk Demirci Trakya Üniversitesi. Vatansever-Ozbek -. Physiother Theory Pract. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 53 8 ,
Research Infrastructure
Millet İttifakı partilerinden. Bu sayede oluşan zaman kayıpları önlenir, iş gücünü azaltır. seyhan-belediye-baskani-oya-tekin-in-dem-partisi-ziyaretinde-duvarda-abdullah-ocalan-nin-posternin-yer-aldigi-iddiasi-dogru-muT Level 2 Physical Education, Sports and Independent Movement Courses Curriculum, Researcher, TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM-MEB, Ministry of Science and Industry, , Ankara. İzel Sezer - Masa da Masaymış Ha: Millet İttifakı'nın Masasında Neler Var Neler Yok? DOSYA aday göstermesi kararı alındı. Aylık/Yıllık vb. birçok kritere göre girilen verilerin Text/Grafiksel raporlaması yapılabilir.Tiroid Nodüllerine Dikkat! Hangi diyet sana en uygun? Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 26 3 , Mehmet Gurtekin -. Karaduman, I ̇. Fulya Öz Puyan. Tabakçıoğlu, K. İlk seansımdı ve devamı kesinlikle olacak. Double-blind randomized controlled trial. Examining the evaluation results of patients with scleroderma. Yasemin Özen -. Effects of multimodal exercise on clinical status and patient-reported outcomes in children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Yahya Çelik Trakya Üniversitesi. Tozkur -. Somatosens Mot Res. Executive , Ceren A. Armağan Tuğrul -. Sports Biomech. The effects of yoga on the quality of life and depression in elderly breast cancer patients. Hizmet Verdiğimiz Kurumsal İş Ortaklarımız. Investigating the relation between environmental factors and activity in children with cerebral palsy. Selda Arslan -. Effects of different exercise modalities on ataxia in multiple sclerosis patients: a randomized controlled study. Naciye Vardar Yağlı Yar. Effects of fatigue and kinesiophobia on functional capacity, physical activity and quality of life in Parkinson's disease. Ahmet Tezel -. Turkish journal of medical sciences, 49 6 , Respiratory muscle strength: Effects on functional capacity, quality of life and fatigue in women with multiple sclerosis.